Restorative Dentistry Keller TX

Helping Your Teeth Look and Feel Like New

From biting too hard on a piece of ice to a sudden blow to your mouth, there are numerous ways you could end up with a damaged tooth. Leaving the damage exposed for an extended period of time could lead to an infection and potentially a more severe injury. In extreme cases, the tooth may even be lost completely. At Ridgepoint Dental Keller, we use carefully selected high-quality materials to restore damaged teeth to their full size and strength, while also enhancing their dazzling appearance. If you have a broken or worn-down spot in your smile, contact us today.

Why Choose Ridgepoint Dental Keller for Restorative Dentistry?


Single-Visit Crowns Available


A Down-to-Earth Dental Team


Carefully Customized Treatment Plans


Dental Crowns

There are different reasons for placing a crown. While some are purely for cosmetic purposes, they are typically used to restore and safeguard a severely damaged, weakened, or decayed tooth. The design of each crown is meticulously crafted to match the color and shape of the original tooth, as well as the surrounding teeth. This ensures that the final restoration appears as natural as possible once it is placed in your mouth. To achieve this, porcelain, a ceramic material that closely resembles the color and reflective qualities of natural enamel, is used. This allows the crown to seamlessly blend in with your mouth, surpassing the blending capabilities of metal.
Learn More About Dental Crowns

Tooth-Colored Fillings

Metal fillings typically involve the removal of enamel from your tooth to secure the material. This can result in the metal being noticeable when you laugh or smile. However, by using composite resin instead, it can be seamlessly blended and shaped to the extent that it goes unnoticed by casual observers, appearing like a natural part of the tooth. Additionally, as it bonds with the tooth, there is no requirement to alter the overall dental structure.
one visit restorations - restorative dentistry keller

One-Visit Restorations

With modern dental technology, you no longer have to endure weeks with a temporary crown. Instead, you can receive a permanent restoration immediately. By making the necessary preparations to your teeth, we can take accurate impressions and use them to meticulously design and create your crown (or multiple crowns) in just one visit. You don't have to wait to experience a stronger and healthier smile. Dr. Shallu can provide you with the high-quality crowns you deserve in the shortest time possible.